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March 30, 2010

New Artifcacts Acquired

February and cnr8366platesmMarch were?good months for the Niagara Railway Museum.? We acquired some very good artifacts for the collection.? At our Niagara Square display in February, we talked to a few people who said they had things they would donate to us.? Well, we often hear that, but unfortunately, more often than not, nothing happens.? This time it was very different.? At Niagara Square we were given a small CN First aid kit.? This was great as all of our first aid kits were stolen from our boxcars when in storage with the contents?dumped out on the ground.? Also at the Square we got a unique donation out of the blue.? We had always been looking for info on the Centennial Train of 1967, and someone came up to us on the Saturday and gave us the actual brochure from the train.

This was a great addition.? At our March show, James Crooks brought out a satchel full of old rule books & timetables from various lines around Niagara, including the C&O in Canada.? The final donation came in the form of the brass # plate from CNR P-5-f 0-8-0 #8366.? The plate was donated by Evan Court, who was a hostler down at the CN yard in the Falls.? CN8366He said that was the last steam switcher in service, and the day it was to be retired, they dropped the fire, and had just enough steam to get it out of the roundhouse, where it was switched into a train, and hauled to London for scrapping.? Evan removed the plate just before it left the City.? The photos here show CNR 8366 working in Niagara Falls in front of the Station on July 3, 1957, and of the actual plate before restoration/cleaning.

The Niagara Railway Museum wishes to thank all these people who have donated artifacts to us not just recently, but in the past as well.? Thank you for helping us save a part of our railway history.? Of course, the NRM is always looking for donations, both of artifacts, and monetary.? If you would like to donate to us, we can issue a charitable tax receipt.