On November 18, 2006, NFRM President Ken Jones Jr., V.P. Aaron White, and Secretary Guy Bingham journeyed north to the Uptergrove Shortline Railway (a private collection) a work session on NFRMs ex-HEPC steam locomotive #46. The main goal of this trip was to brace the cab (which has serious deterioration of the steel work) to prepare for the winter, and any snow accumulation which may occur. The main fear was that if snow got too heavy, it may collapse the cab, thus ruining the pattern for the new cab. While we were there, we managed to wrestle the drive rods, and one coupler out of the bush. They are now in Niagara Falls awaiting the arrival of #46.
November 18, 2006
July 8, 2006
November 19, 2005
Work Session ? November 19th, 2005
On November 19th, 2005, the Niagara Falls Railway Museum vacated the property where our cars were being stored. A small group of 7 people (2 who weren’t members, but still wanted to help) came out to get the cars packed and ready for movement. This involved packing our 4 Fairmont A4D motorcars, all the track lorries, the grinder, crane and stairs. All went smooth, and the cars were packed and off the property by 2pm. The 4 smaller motorcars were moved to private storage for continued maintenance and restoration. Thanks to all who helped out with the move.
Steve Konig eases one of the NFRM’s Fairmont A4d motorcars into the boxcar for storage. Thanks to Lucas Lift Truck in Thorold Ont. for loaning us the forklift for the day.
Moving ex-CPR 401258 to the south end of the siding for eventual movement to a new home.
Steve Konig mans the high hand brake as the final car, CP 401639 is shoved to the south end of the siding.
May 21, 2005
Work Session ? May 21st, 2005
Ryan Grimes runs the JCB Loadall from Pingue Construction, removing both the Woodings CBI Railcar, and the Fairmont M19 from winter storage in one of the boxcars.
NFRM members Ken Jones Sr. & Aaron White install the new shelving units in CP 401639. The new shelving will allow us to better organise the car we plan to use for displays.
July 10, 2004
Work Session – July 10th, 2004
NFRM members Ken Jones Jr. and Aaron White spent the day beginning the restoration of the lettering on our boxcars. The photographs below show our current progress. We began by wirebrushing and masking off the existing lettering, which on the block lettered car, had all but rusted away. After masking was completed, the lettering was given a coat of primer to make it easier to apply the topcoat. 2 coats of white rust paint were applied, allowed to set and then the masking was removed. There was some bleeding due to the surface condition of the metal but overall we are quite satisfied with the way that the lettering turned out. We have a long way to go yet, but every little piece helps.
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