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July 16, 2010

HEPC E-7 & 46 together again

2 of our locomotives have not been together in the same shop since 1922.? This photo was taken Friday at the NRM site.

HEPC electric loco E-7 & HEPC steam engine 46 are together again, almost 90 yrs later.


With the recent arrival of our 3rd ex-Hydro locomotive, the NRM now has a very unique display. Both our steam engine, #46, and our electric, E-7 worked together during the construction of the Queenston-Chippawa Project.? Our Plymouth diesel was used during construction of Adam Beck G.S. #2, which creates a display of 3 locomotives from 2 of the most famous power projects in Canada.? I would like to take this opportunity to thank the various groups involved with this move/acquisition.

Villeneuve’s Steel Wheels – Floated the locomotive to our shop

NRE-Alco Locomotive Canada – loaded both the locomotive, trucks and other parts

Beam Excavating – provided the backhoe/operator to help move E-7 into the shop

PRW – supplied a 60ton Grove crane to unload E-7

The Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre for not scrapping this surplus unit, and allowing us the time to acquire it from them

The dedicated members of the Niagara Railway Museum who worked to almost midnight to get E-7 on track and into the shop

HEPC electric locomotive E-7 has arrived!!

NRM's new locomotive, ex-INCo #102 (nee HEPC E-7) sits in the NRE yard waiting to move into the shop for loading.

After a very gruelling 18hr day for me, I am pleased to report that the NRM’s 3rd locomotive is now safe and sound inside the Fort Erie shop.
INCo #102 (ex-HEPC E-7) arrived in Fort Erie at 530pm Thursday.? The crane however, didn’t show up until after 8pm. We quickly unloaded the trucks, and moved the crane and float with the locomotive to the other side of the tracks.? Yes, it was unloaded in the dark.? Peter from PRW brought a 60ton Grove crane for the lift, which was a bit hairy at times, but it all worked out in the end, and after a bit of tweaking, the body dropped onto the trucks quite easily.? A lot of work was done this week to prepare for the move, from going to Capreol prep E07 for the move, to the NRM crew at the shop.? Track 2 was cleared out to accomodate E-7.? Steve, Ray, John, William, and?Ken spent time working on track 2.? Steve,
Ray & William also returned?Thursday afternoon/evening to help with the move, along with Ken?Jones Sr.?& Garry.? Beam excavating sent over a brand new Cat backhoe (6.5hrs on the unit) to help with the move, and the guys that came with it, Jeff & Paul were a great help, as they also pitched in during the actual lift

NRM's new loco, ex-INCo #102 (nee HEPC E-7) is moved into the shop by NRE's 25 tonner.

to hep get E-7 to where it needed to be.? This is the second time Beam has offered a machine to us, the first being when 46 arrived, and it was very much appreciated.? The crew at NRE in Capreol were great to work with.? The engine was jacked up, the trailer backed under?Wednesday night.? Don Villeneuve, Owner of Villeneuve’s Steel Wheels brought the body of E-7 down early Thursday morning.? My driver John, ?arrived at 650am Thursday morning, loaded my pick up onto the float (it died Wed. night) then loaded E-7’s trucks, the pantograph & steps, and we were on our way.? John?was a great help during the unloading?as well.? This move never would have been?possible if not for the Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre in Capreol who managed to hold off on scrapping the unit untl we could actually acquire it.I had started dealing with Bob Michelutti some 4 yrs ago to have them hold off disposing of the unit.? Thankfully, they were willing to work with us on this, and it has paid off in the end.

Renumbered/relettered, HEPC E-7 is up on jacks, waiting for the arrival of the float trailer, to take it to the NRM.On the truck and ready to go. The body of E-7 is ready to leave Capreol for the last time, heading to the NRM shop at Fort Erie.

I am very pleased with how things went, and am very thankful to all who came out to help with the move, and the preperations that went into
getting E-7 to our site.? With the arrival of E-7, this completes the Hydro Locomotive Trilogy (so to speak) and now gives us a very unique display of 3 hydro units from 2 of the most famous power projects in Canadian history.

On the truck and ready to go. The body of E-7 is ready to leave Capreol for the last time, heading to the NRM shop at Fort Erie.

Thank you again to everyone who helped out. It was a lot of work, but we can be proud of what has been accomplished.? Now, get some rest, and I’m sure I’ll see some of you on Saturday as we have quite a bit of work to do, including door repairs, and a massive cleaning of the cab of E-7.

Ken Jones


Niagara Railway Museum

Jeff from Beam Excavating operates the brand new Cat backhoe, lifting E-7's pantograph and steps off the float to allow the trucks to be placed on the rails.

With the trucks on track 2 beside the crane, Peter from PRW starts to lift E-7's body off the float. It is 1030 at night, and the engine was back together by 1115.

July 11, 2010

Productive weekend

Despite more damage to the shop last week, it was still a productive weekend. Work continued on our 2 shop tracks, with track 1 compromise bars being changed to the correct weights, and track 2 has been gauged and spiked up to the start of the 80lb rail. The 80lb rail?will be finished up through the week. The problem now is we are running out of rail. We still need about 300ft of track (600ft of rail) to complete the tracks to where the switch will eventually end up on the CN. ?This includes 1 turnout to connect track 1 & 2, which is the track construction for phase 1.

NRM Site Track Plan

July 8, 2010

Museum open this Saturday

The Niagara Railway Museum site will be open this Saturday, July 10, 2010 from 9am to 4pm.? visitors will be able to visit the cab of our Plymouth diesel, and inspect our steam engine over the inspection pit.? NRM members will be on site working on track and equipment.? Our Fairmont M19 motorcar will also be offerting rides over our current track.? Admission is by donation.?

From QEW toronto/Niagara – Take the Gilmore Rd exit and head east towards Fort Erie.? Cross the railway tracks and turn left on Jennet.? Cross the another set of tracks, (Jennet turns into Lewis) and turn left on Warren St.

From Peace Bridge/Garrison Rd – take Central Ave heading North. Turn left onto Gilmore, then right onto Jennet.? Cross the tracks, (Jennet turns into Lewis) and turn left onto Warren St.

For more information, drop us an email or give us a call at 905 357 6539.

July 4, 2010

NRM Open House a Success!

Our ex-CNR Fairmont M19 is at the end of the siding with the   Plymouth diesel & shop building behind.

There was a small night photo shoot at the Museum on July 3rd, and    HEPC 46 is highlighted in this photo inside the shop.

It has been a very long 3 days for the Niagara Railway Museum crew.? Members have spent many hours over the past week preparing the site for visitors to our first ever open house.? Grass & weeds were cut down, the shop was swept up (numerous times!) equipment was cleaned up as much as possible, along with being moved into display position.? While we don’t have an exact figure, we believe attendance for the 3 days was around 120-140 people, which for our first time, was pretty decent.? We had nothing but positive comments and well wishes.? We even gained new members because of it.? On Saturday night, July 3rd, we held a small night photo shoot at the shop, featuring our steam and diesel locomotives.? this was more of a test run to see what we could do.? The end result was quite well done, and my thanks to Jason & Louis for taking time to set up the lights for the shoot.? Dan Lint from our neighbour Border City Castings was good enough to bring his tractor out Friday morning to move 46 ahead for

Dan Lint from Border City Castings brought his International   tractor over to help move locomotives in and out of the shop.

display, and the Plymouth outside.? He also returned Sunday to move both locomotives back to thier normal positions in the shop.? My thanks to Dan for helping us out with the equipment move.? I also had my Fairmont M19 up and

running, despite damage from the vandalism attacks 3 weeks ago.? The car ran very well over the short stretch of track

we’ve constructed, and was well recieved by those that went for the short ride.

All in all it was a very good 3 days, and was very beneficial in gathering information from visitors, and even from neighbours that came over to see what was going on.? All the comments were positive, and while we didn’t have a lot on display, the open house was a success.? I send my thanks to all the dedicated NRM members who came out to help over the weekend, Dan Lint for the tractor, Louis Nigro for helping to arrange the tractor, and the lights for the night photos of 46.

NRM President Ken Jones is at the throttle of our Plymouth diesel    in this night shot outside the shop.

Cogeco Cable 10 here in the Falls for doing 2 great stories about the Museum and the open house, and of course, no open house is complete without you, the visitors who came out and supported us in this event.

Keep an eye on the website, as there is still one more open house planned, likely for September sometime, when we hope to be further along with the building, and have most of our equipment on site.? As always, we are looking for people interested in helping?with equipment restoration, track construction, building maintenance, etc, and work sessions are usually held Wednesday’s & Saturdays, but can be changed to other days with some notice.

Ken Jones Jr.
Niagara Railway Museum