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September 28, 2010

NRM update

While most work has stopped on the shop itself, other than routine cleaning, work continues on equipment restoration.? E-7 has had 2 footboards re-installed, and the restoration to operation of the Plymouth MDT40t is also progressing.? The diesel engine is said to be in very good condition, and we are currently tracking down a few minor parts needed to make it complete.? One of which is an air filter, which apparently is no longer available (what a suprise!!).? While it doesn’t look like there will be windows in the shop by the winter, we do have plans to use very heavy plastic sheeting to cover the windows, as much as we can anyways, to make the building a bit more weather proof.? We are also working on a new look to our website, and will soon be adding a link where visitors can make online donations to the Museum.? At this time, the NRM shop is closed, however, visitors are welcome by prior arrangement, or if any of our volunteers are at the shop the day you show up.? Admission is as always, by donation.? The Fall Niagara Falls Model Railway Show will be held on October 31st, 2010, 10am-3:30pm at Optimist Park Hall on Dorchester Rd in Niagara Falls.? Contact us for more information.

September 15, 2010

Open House a success

1927 REO Bickel Fire truck

The NRM’s second open house is now a thing of the past.? I’m not sure of the exact visitor count, but I can say that the shop had a steady flow of visitors both Saturday & Sunday.? We heard nothing but positive comments, and have people from across the Niagara Region, and even from the US.? The weather Saturday was great, nice and sunny, and warm.? This allowed the Fort Erie LaFrance Association to bring out their 1927 Bickel fire truck for display.? They had originally planned to bring out more than one truck, but didn’t have enough drivers due to sickness.? This was their first visit and it surely won’t be the last, as we have invited them back to any of our open houses in the future.? It adds to our displays, and gives them exposure as well.?In July, a headlight and CPR bell were donated to the NRM, with the instructions that they be used strictly on HEPC 46 (although we were told that if we wanted to temporarily? display the headlight on other equipment, we could).


We decided that since 46 had her front headlight on (the new headlight will be used on the back of 46) the other headlight should go on E-7 for display.? It looked pretty good with both locomotives beside each other with headlights.

The Southern Niagara Model Railroad Club brought their small HO scale layout, and the Ontario Northland Railway H&TS also had a display at the show.? The ONR display showed photos, books, and models of ONR equipment over the years.

The Niagara Railway Museum’s newly donated HO layout was also on display at the open house, and was very well recieved.? The layout is being rebuilt slightly, with new track, and more scenery, but other than that, it is pretty much staying as it is.? It is a double track layout, with a large mountain at one end.

Southern Ontario Model Railroad Club HO Layout on display

A bit more of the shop was open to visitors this time, as we kept all 3 locomotives inside.? The upper level inspection platform was open for people to walk up and look inside the cab of E-7 & 46.? They could also go underneath the platform, where we hung flourescent lights to light up the wheels and undercarriage of the 2 locomotives.? As always, the cab of the Plymouth was open for viewing as well.? The motorcar rides were once again enjoyed by many, and although it is only a short ride, it gives people a chance to ride on a piece of equipment normally only used by Maintenance personnel.

NRM layout

As the museum grows and developes, more will be available for viewing.? The architect is working on the designs for the office area, which will be the main entrance, and artifact display area.??? The restoration to operation of our Plymouth diesel has also started.? The damaged air compressor has been removed, and will be rebuilt.? The motor in the locomotive is in decent shape, and will likely need some rewiring, and new hoses, but there is hope that the engine may be running by the end of the year, possibly sooner.

Thanks to the many NRM members that came out to help with the open house.? The NRM also thanks Modern Corporation in Niagara Falls for the portable

toilets,? The Fort Erie LaFrance Association for the fire truck, and The Southern Niagara Model Railroad Club & ONRH&TS for bringing out their displays.

The Northwest face of the NRM shop, taken about 1030pm Sept. 11.

E-7 & 46 at night

There are still lots of things to do at the NRM, so if you wouldlike to come out and volunteer, drop us an email, or give us a call.? No skills required, just bring yourself, safety boots, and lunch, we’ll do the rest.

September 8, 2010

Open house update

Wow, this has come on really fast.? Just 2 more days until the Niagara Railway Museum open house.? Things are coming together great.? Lots to see and do, a few special surprises as well.? An addition to the weekend will be drinks and hot dogs for a small fee.? We will also have portable restrooms on site, as our plumbing is not currently in operating condition (actually, the indoor plumbing doesn’t even exist!!).? Food and drinks, in addition to all the other displays, and who knows what might show up on the weekend.? Come on out and support the NRM, it’ll be a great time.? Remember, the event runs rain or shine, so please dress for the weather (if the outside temp is cool, the shop will be as well, please be prepared).

September 6, 2010

Weekend work report

Not a whole lot was done at the shop this weekend, because of the long weekend, however, some things were accomplished.? The pile of debris inside?near the north door was removed which has really cleaned up the shop.? A bit more track work was done, along with more grass cutting.? Less than 1 week to go before our big open house, and things are shaping up quite well.? Come out and support the NRM, and celebrate the 90th birthday of HEPC steam engine #46 this month.

September 3, 2010

Work Session Report – September 2nd, 2010

Had a decent work session on Thursday Sept 2nd.? 4 members came out, and got a fair amount done.? Eric & William spent the time sweeping and clearing debris out of the heavy repair bay.? With the upcoming open house, we wanted to get it cleared out to make is safe for our visitors, which allows us to open up another part of the shop.? Plus, we are expecting another piece of equipment to arrive on site shortly, and it will be going on that track.

Looking west down the heavy repair bay track.

Ken Sr. worked on cleaning the floors under the inspection platforms, and managed to get 90% of the debris from down there cleared out.? I spent my time doing some touch up painting, starting with HEPC E-7. 3 weeks ago I chipped away at some of the years of black and orange paint on the ends of the locomotive. I managed to get it down to bare metal, and on Thursday, applied a coat of flat black to the bare metal.? Even a little bit of paint makes a big difference, and shows that something is being done to preserve the equipment.

I also did some painting on our steam locomotive.? For the past 4 years she has had Niagara Railway Museum painted on the side of the water tank.? Well, now that she is inside the actual Museum, I felt it was time for that to go.? She didn’t wear that in service, and no longer needs to wear it now.? Also touched up a bit of the black on the cab.? The cab will be rebuilt, but just for photos, having a bit of paint on it makes for better pictures.

While we had people out, we moved the drive rods for the steam engine to a spot where people won’t fall over them, and the same was done to the footboards for E-7.? We cleaned the floor where the display cases and tables will be for the open house next week, and marked out the spaces for said cases and such.? All in all, it was a decent day, and we are looking forward to having a great open house, rain or shine, on September 11/12.? As the NRM crew was leaving, members of the Southern Niagara Model Railway Club turned up to work on one of the other tracks near the shop.? It will likely serve as a storage area for our boxcars and some other equipment until such time as we can get them

A little paint...

in the shop.? They cleared the heavily overgrown siding all the way to the wheelstops, which, including what was already cleared, is just under 1000ft.? They had previously cleared the? mudrails on 2 of the crossings on that siding.? They have been doing this on thier own time, and have been a great help to us.

The final note is a photo taken the other day by Ken Jones Sr.? We are working to get the grass cut down for better photos, but this shot shows the NS transfer returning to Buffalo.? The CN mainline is just feet from our doorstep, and one can see trains from CN, CP & NS.

The view from our doorstep!