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January 30, 2011

Well, despite the winter weather, we are still working out at the shop.? With the lack of windows in the building, it cuts down on the length of time, and number of volunteers that come out, but we are still moving forwards.? The Plymouth diesel has had many of its air lines removed, inspected, and re-installed.? Some lines are being replaced due to rot.? There are some water issues in a couple of the air?lines, and they are being thawed out, inspected, and replaced where needed.? If it’s a heavy snow outside, chances are it’ll be snowing inside, as the 2 photos below show.? These were taken at 12 & 2pm on January 22nd.? Oh well, it’s still better than working outside.

Cold, but very little snow.

And now theres snow

The next display for the Niagara Railway Museum will be at the annual Heritage week event held at Niagara Square mall on February 18th to 20th.? This event gathers groups from across Niagara to display thier historic artifacts.? Then, just 2 weeks later, the 11th Annual Niagara Falls Model Railway Show.? See the website events section for more details on both of these events.? The development of the CNR diesel shop into the Niagara Railway Museum relies on fundraising and donations, so please come out and support the NRM as we move forward to create a great railway attraction in the Niagara Region.? All donations over $25 are eligible for a charitable tax reciept. Donations can be made directly on our website through the secure server.

January 6, 2011

NRM Events page updated

The Events page for the Niagara Railway Museum has been updated with the shows we are attending, and putting on.? There are still more events to be added, but this is shaping up to be a very busy year.? Of special interest are the upcoming NF Model Railway Show on March 6th, and our first open house of the year, which will be held on May 14/15.? As always all proceeds made at any of our displays helps the NRM move closer to our final goals.? Support the NRM, and come out and see what we have to offer.