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December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!!?I want to take the time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and promise a new update in 2 days, and more frequent updates through 2012.

December 2, 2011

Wow,didn’t realize it had been lo long since my last post on here.? There have been quite a few things happening around the shop.? At the end of October, the original diesel fuel tank was removed for safety & insurance reasons by the property owner.? While it is unfortunate we lost part of the original infrastructure, it was a major liability on the property.? Pending repairs to the roof, we hope to take over the other building, the former boiler house, early 2012, and will turn that into the interim Museum site for our artifacts and displays, while we continue to develop the main site.? Our track work weekend was pretty good, despite rain both days.? We did get our track extended by another 80 feet or so, but still have to gauge and spike one rail.? We are now at the location where the turnout to the middle shop track will be.

The October Niagara Falls Model Railway Show was a very big success, with the highest attendance of the October shows thus far, just shy of 400 paid visitors.? The NRM also received a very generous financial contribution from the Lonsbury Family, and we greatly appreciate their help. Our next model railway show is Sunday, March 4th, 2012, Optimist Hall Niagara Falls from 10am-3:30pm.? Our next display will be Woodstock in January, and Ancaster at the end of January.

There are still quite a few projects on the go out at the shop.Restoration work continues on both our electric locomotive, HEPC E-7,and our Plymouth diesel switcher. There are also smaller take home projects available.? If you think you would like to help out, please drop us a line.

I will add some pictures this weekend of the past 2 months events.