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March 11, 2012

Plymouth and Fairmont get a once over.

plym1I decided to spend some time at the shop today, since the weather was so amazing.  My friend Chris Fox, from the Halton County Radial Railway came with me to take a look at the NRM’s Plymouth MDT40t. 

     HCRR just acquired a Plymouth MDT30t, for use as emergency power in case of a power failure, since they are an electric railway museum.

     While our Plymouth?s air compressor is being rebuilt, we are moving on with plans for the operation of the Plymouth this year, and that starts with new batteries.  We have the size, and we know the unit runs, so if all goes well, the batteries should be installed in 2 weeks. Still need a 12v alternator, and a few new pipes, but we should be close to running. While he was there, he took a look at our Fairmont A4d motorcar, which we have been trying to get started for use during the open houses since my Fairmont M19 will be down for repairs this year.  It was discovered, after trying to fire the Fairmont, that there was a starter issue. plym2 Chris removed the starter, took it apart, and found that the starter itself is no good.  Since our boxcars have yet to be moved, we don’t have our spare parts, so that car may have to wait for a bit.

      The NRM is still accepting donations towards our many projects.  Donations can be made right on our website through the secure server for    Stay tuned to the blog for the most up to date information about the Niagara Railway Museum Inc.

March 7, 2012

12th Annual Niagara Falls Model Railway Show a success!!

The 12th Annual Niagara Falls Model Railway Show has now come and gone.  37 vendors and 4 layouts took part in this years show, which was a great success.  My thanks to the vendors who came out to sell their wares, and to our hard working volunteers who help make the show possible.  Here are some pictures from the show. 

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Our next event is our first open house of 2012 on May 26th & 27th,
9am-5pm both days.