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July 26, 2014

Inside CN 9173 (Part 3) and the Atlas Porter Fireless


Engineman’s controls, showing throttle, reverser (left side) and brake stand (middle, right).

There has been a great deal of work going on since the last update, and there is so much more to come. In the first part we take a look at the inside of the cab.? For the most part it?s in pretty got condition, needs a good scraping and a repaint, but other than that, not bad.? It is missing some parts, which the Museum will seek to replace as time and funds permit.? Missing are the Barco speedometer, horn handle, and control head for the fuel pump, control stand and lights. The seats are intact and in pretty good condition, as is the rest of the control stand.


Across the cab on the Conductor’s side complete with emergency brake valve.

The cab is missing 4 cover panels inside, 2 from the lower part of each door, and 2 side panels from beside the Conductor and Engineers seats. There is also one window missing. When the cab gets into the shop it will be braced and levelled and cosmetically restored for visitors to be able to step inside for the train crews view.




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On Sunday July 20th, Museum members along with a crew from Attar Metals started the move of the ex-Atlas Steel 30? gauge Porter fireless locomotive to the NRM shop. It had rained all day on the 19th, but the move went on. With the size of the engine being what it was, Attar brought a small bin to load the engine into for the 1 mile trip across down.? However as well as the move went, it was decided that it was just far too wet and the ground too soft to attempt to get the engine off the grounds.? The bin and locomotive were moved away from the public area and will be moved to the shop when there is a dry spell for the ground to be a bit more solid. The ingot car did however make the journey to the Museum and is now outside waiting for the locomotive to arrive to be moved into the shop.? There is already a panel track built to place the locomotive on when it arrives.? The NRM is very pleased to be able to enter into this great working partnership with the Welland Historical Museum to ensure the continued preservation of the Atlas Porter.

IMG_4688.jpgAt the July open house the Museum?s Whiting 2TMA was operated for the first time on rail. It was the first time that a piece of railroad equipment, in this case the Plymouth MDT40t, was moved by a piece of railroad equipment (the Trackmobile) at the Museum.? It marked a major milestone as the Trackmobile arrived in pieces, unknown if it would even run.? After a year and a half long restoration it is back in operation.

July 10, 2014

Unloading CN F7Au 9173 at Fort Erie (Part 2)

Once the truck was on the road from Ottawa to Fort Erie, it was decided to send him straight to Fort Erie for unloading Tuesday night as the trailer was required for first thing Wednesday morning. It was decent driving as the truck showed up at Attar Metals at 810pm. Milton and Clayton were ready, as were some of the NRM members, to unload the and get the truck on its way.


The cab arrived in Fort Erie under sunny, but dark, skies.

?The entire lift took only 40 minutes, from the time the truck arrived to the time it pulled out.? It was an excellent lift, and everything went great. The cab is now resting on the ground at Attar, waiting for a bit of work to be done before moving to the shop and being placed inside for display.


Hooking up the the cranes for the lift.


Off the deck, and pulling out the trailer.

The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. thanks everyone involved with this move:

  • Bytown Railway Society
  • Canada Science & Technology Museum
  • Becker Brothers Trucking
  • Attar Metals
  • Doug Wilson
  • Gary Murray
  • Jim Cherry
  • The Jones Family
  • Alan Seburn

Part 3 will be the final move to the shop.

July 8, 2014

CN F7Au 9173 cab on its way to Niagara (part 1)

On July 8th, the cab of Canadian National F7Au #9173 was loaded on a trailer for the move to its new home at the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. The cab has been sitting outback of the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa for many years, originally acquired to be converted to a simulator for the Museum.? These plans did not come to fruition, and the Museum planned to scrap the piece. Doug Wilson from Ottawa sent a message to NRM President Ken Jones that the piece may be available and to get in touch with the CSTM to see if it could be saved.? The scrapping was stopped, and the push was on to get the move in place.


CN 9173 cab behind the Canada Science & Technology Museum in Ottawa.

Everything came together very quickly as the CSTM wanted it gone if it was going to be saved. A crane had to be found for the loading in Ottawa, a truck had to be lined up for the move to Fort Erie, unloading at Fort Erie, and of course, some very quick fundraising had to be done. Regional Crane got the call for the crane, while Becker Brothers Trucking out of Kitchener was lined up for the trucking as they were in Ottawa this week for something else, and it made sense to not come back empty. Attar Metals did the unload at the Fort Erie end.


Starting the lift of 9173.


Lowering onto the flatbed.

So with everything in place, the date was set, and it all started at 8am July 8th.? There was an issue with the loading, but Regional Crane did their best to fix the situation, and after a delay, the truck got underway, highballing for Fort Erie at 1330.



On the deck and secured for the ride to its new home. It looks a lot smaller on the trailer.

The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. would like to thank everyone involved with this move for their cooperation and expertise.

  • Bytown Railway Society ? For their assistance with the move, loading, and overseeing everything on the Ottawa end.
  • Canada Science & Technology Museum ? For allowing the Niagara Railway Museum to acquire this piece of railway equipment.
  • Becker Brothers Trucking ? Provided the trucking and ensured the cab arrived in Fort Erie safely.
  • Regional Crane ? For providing the crane and excellent operator for this lift.
  • Attar Metals ? Our neighbours to the west, Milton Braun and the Fort Erie operation of Attar Metals for unloading and moving the cab to our shop, and for always helping us out when we need it most.
  • Doug Wilson ? Who started the whole ball rolling and helped pave the way for the move to the Niagara Railway Museum (and for all of the above pictures).
  • Our donors ? The Jones Family, Gary Murray, Alan Seburne, Jim Cherry, Doug Wilson

Without the above people and companies this move and acquisition would not have been possible. The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. would especially like to acknowledge the Bytown Railway Society for their part in this acquisition, and for providing members to help with the loading on the Ottawa end. We are very pleased to have been able to work with them and see this piece saved.

As of 9pm July 8th, the cab has been unloaded and is safely on the ground in Fort Erie.

More on this story to follow?

July 3, 2014

Weekend Open House, and new equipment arrivals.

JuCN-9173-Cab.jpgly is going to be one of the busiest months ever for the Museum. July 5th & 6th will see the second open house weekend this year, and in addition to the displays of our steam, diesel and electric locomotives, ex-CN Flanger, track cars, artifacts and model train layouts, this display will also feature periodic demonstrations of our newly restored Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile.

But that?s just the start. In a week the Museum will take delivery of the cab from long scrapped CN F7Au #9173 from Ottawa.? The cab will become a great interpretive display for visitors to the site.

IMG_5891.jpgOn July 19th, if all goes well, the Museum will move the ex-Atlas Steel 30? gauge Porter Fireless, currently at the Fort Erie Railroad Museum to our site for long term display and restoration. The locomotive is now owned by the Welland Historical Museum and the NRM is very pleased to be partnered with the WHM to help preserve the Fireless. The fireless also has an ingot car, which will be staying with the engine.

fireless.jpgMembers have also been very busy with other projects.? Most notable was the restoration to operation of the long out of service Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile? It was a lengthy 1 1/2 year restoration with Rick replacing all of the bearings in the transmission and having to assemble everything to make it work.? Wayne has taken on the project of working on the sand towers and servicing areas outside, and is making great progress.


The light standard has been repainted silver, and the steps have been renewed with yellow and black.

There are always lots of things happening at the Museum.? The NRM is always looking for members to come out and get involved with the many projects we have. No experience is necessary, but any skills are helpful. Contact us for more information, or join us at one of our open house displays, or call for a private tour of the facility.

Open House this weekend

Just a reminder that the Museum will be open this weekend, July 5 & 6, 10am-4pm both days, rain or shine. New this display will be the periodic operating demonstration of our recently restored Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile. This demonstration will take place at the west end of the building throughout the weekend. Other displays include our steam, diesel and electric locomotives, track equipment, railway artifacts and model trains. Admission is by donation. Come on out and support Railway heritage in Niagara.