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May 18, 2015

2 Weeks to Go!

switchstandsm.jpgJust 2 more weeks to our opening weekend at the Museum, and things are going great.? Yet another productive weekend with some major cleaning of the shop going on.? Also, more painting has been done inside HEPC E-7, and the new work area is up and ready for use in the storage car. Most of the grass was cut as well, and the site is starting to look pretty good again.? We picked up our new (old) switch stand, donated by Dave & Suzanne Radley (who also donated a headlight & bell for HEPC 46), and hope to have it painted for the open house. Still lots to do as we move towards opening weekend.


May 11, 2015

Track Work Continues

Looking down the tail track. A stop block will be installed here.

May 8th saw our small 4 man track crew work though the 33?c temperatures ?at the shop to spike and gauge the straight side of the turnout.

The turnout is not complete, but is being made operational with what we have. The rail for the tail track past the turnout has also been placed on ties ready for gauging and spiking.

In order to continue with this work, we need to acquire about 40 more 8′ track ties, both to fill in gaps and also to extend the track on the east side of the heavy repair bay (north side of the building) to provide some additional room to maneuver equipment around and give us room to work on our flanger.? We are looking for a hydraulic spiker to use for a day, which would allow us to gauge and spike the diverging track a lot faster/easier than doing it by hand.

Inside the shop, Wayne G was painting a primer coat inside the cab of HEPC E-7, as we work toward having that engine open for display. Ken was also working on the new work bench in the storage car.

Always lots going on and ways looking for new members/volunteers to keep this progress going forward.


May 4, 2015

Every weekend brings more progress.

We have now entered into May, and every weekend brings changes at the site.  The stairs to 9173 have been painted, as has the entire interior of the cab and control stand. CP boxcar 401639 has had some of its lettering repainted in white. CP 401258 had a start on its lettering, but the rust damage is extensive so we will make a stencil off the other side to ensure accuracy.


stairs paintsm


The progress continues, with Saturday May 9 being a track construction day. We are always looking for help with the many projects at the site.  No experience necessary. And make sure you mark your calendars for the weekend of May 30/31. Thats our opening weekend, and there?ll be lots of new things to see and do, and probably some surprises as well.