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December 26, 2015

Last Saturday of the year.

Things are starting to change around the shop heading into 2016. Wayne M is continuing his painting, finishing off the black around the roll up doors and some of the silver and grey on the supports. Ken Sr. started running some of the new wiring through the conduit to provide new lighting for 2016. Ken Jr. cleared out the ties and wood that was inside the storage car, with the next step being the removal of the 4 Fairmont A4d gangcars that are inside. Once the cars are out of the boxcar it will be stripped, cleaned and rebuilt for a new display and store car. As always, we’re looking for new volunteers to come out and help with the many projects we have going on.

As 2015 draws to a close, we hope you will consider supporting the Niagara Railway Museum in 2016.? Our wish list is below.

? Caboose ? An integral part of the railway system, and a necessary item for any Museum. Our number one item needed for specific plans in 2016.

? Track materials ? 100lb rail, plates, bars, also regular and turnout ties and 100lb turnout material .

? Cash donations ? operating the Museum requires funding.? Donations can be made through

? Building supplies ? lumber, insulation, screws, etc.

? Local artifacts ? we?re always looking for new artifacts, photographs, etc. for donation and display.

? OLD luggage ? for display on our baggage carts, some old luggage and trunks.

? Other railway equipment ? with the addition of our GE from a local industry, we are hoping to acquire more local equipment (locomotives, railcars)


December 19, 2015

Cleaning Up The Display Area


The GE idles under the exhaust hoods.

We had another progressive day at the Museum, moving stuff around in the display area.? Space is filling up pretty quick and we need to make as much room as we can to accommodate the displays. 4 members spent the day working on different projects.? Wayne M continued painting the beams and supports around the doors.? His painting over the last 2 years has made a significant improvement of the look of our site.?? Ken Sr. and Wayne G worked in the display area cleaning and getting new areas ready for more artifacts.? Ken Jr. worked on the GE, which started after a week of not running, and idled nicely.? A mechanical and electrical inspection was done below the frame, checking out brake rigging, traction motor and brushes.


The trolley is lit up with its interior lights, and we are working on a new headlight for the piece.

By the end of the day, the display area was cleaned and reset, with the recently donated items from Niagara Central Hobbies? taking up a big portion of the space. The switch stand from the back of the hobby shop will also be moved up into this area, making it complete, and a reminder of what was once one of the best known hobby shops in Ontario.


The HO layout, baggage cart, and coffee bar trolley are all together again in the display area.


Apparently it was a tough day for Ken & Wayne.


As always, I thank our dedicated volunteers who have worked so hard in 2015 to make it a great year. More to come in 2016, and remember to look at our wish list, please let us know if you can help.

December 16, 2015

Our Christmas Wish List

The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. is aiming to be a key attraction for visitors in Fort Erie and the Niagara Region.? As we develop the site, adding to our collection, restoring our equipment, and acquiring the property, we are in need of many different things to keep things moving forward.? 2015 is coming to an end. While the Museum has made great progress this year, we also had some sadness as at the end of November I personally lost my biggest supporter, and the Museum lost our long time treasurer, my Mother Karen. She was at all of our Model Railway shows from the start, often found keeping things moving in the kitchen/canteen area. While this is a sad moment for the Museum and she will be greatly missed, we will move forward, as it?s the way she would want it.

Each year I put together a Christmas wish list for the Museum, a list of items that we are looking for to further our progress in the coming year.? Here is our wish list for 2016:


Caboose ? An integral part of the railway system, and a necessary item for any Museum. Our number one item needed for specific plans in 2016.

Track materials ? 100lb rail, plates, bars, also regular and turnout ties and 100lb turnout material .

Cash donations ? operating the Museum requires funding.? Donations can be made through

Building supplies ? lumber, insulation, screws, etc.

Local artifacts ? we?re always looking for new artifacts, photographs, etc. for donation and display.

OLD luggage ? for display on our baggage carts, some old luggage and trunks.

Other railway equipment ? with the addition of our GE from a local industry, we are hoping to acquire more local equipment (locomotives, railcars)


If you feel you can help the Museum in any of these above ways, please get in touch with us. The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. is a registered Charitable Organization, donations are eligible for a Charitable Tax Reciept. We thank you for supporting railway history in Niagara.


Ken Jones

President ? Niagara Railway Museum Inc.



December 13, 2015

Wrapping Up 2015


Car# 395 all lit up.

Saturday December 12th, 7 members worked all day in fantastic weather to get more projects cleaned up for winter. The main task for the day was moving some equipment around the shop for winter work. Inside however, work continued on the former Niagara Central Hobbies donation.? Garry and Ken worked on rewiring the trolley coffee bar, and by the end of the day had the interior ceiling lights rewired, reinstalled, and lit up again. A little more work is required to finish the job, as the wiring was the original from 1974, and cracked when flexed. This is one more project that is near completion, and allows us to move onto other things.


Gary and Ken working on the Coffee Bar from Niagara Central Hobbies.

The other members spent the day clearing track 2, installing joint bars on 3 more joints and making sure everything was ready for the big move.? December 12th was another historic day for the NRM. This marked the first time we have been able to switch equipment between 2 tracks with a locomotive.? It?s also the first time a locomotive has operated in the shop since closing in the late 1980?s. And finally, ALL of our equipment (except for the 30? gauge ingot car) is inside. However, before all the big switching was done, our new GE 25tonner, Plymouth MDT40t and ALCo 0-4-0 steam engine posed for their first picture together.


The 3 locomotives pose together for the first time.


Red, Yellow and… Black

While the locomotives sat outside together, Aaron, Wayne M, Wayne G, John and Ken worked on the track and other items to prepare for the move. The Trackmobile was moved from track 2 to in front of the boxcars on track, still over the pit for repairs.


3 locomotives outside, taken from the sand tower platform


The GE under the track 2 sand tower.

Because we have never actually had anything heavy over the majority of our track, we felt it would be best to move as few pieces at a time as possible. The CP boxcar was moved first to the end of the track. HEPC 46 was moved back inside on track 1 but left it a bit closer to the door for better viewing. The Plymouth was pulled down past the turnout to switch everything onto track 2.


Aaron and John remove the bars to switch from track 1 to track 2.


The final move, the GE is ready to move the boxcar inside.

Our turnout is a little different, but functional. It was built specifically to get this job done and will have proper switch points installed in 2016. It?s essentially a stub switch. in order to change it between tracks, the joint bars are removed and the panel is slid over to the other track, and joint bars reinstalled.? It worked quite well. Once the track was shifted, the Plymouth was moved back into the shop, and electric E7 was moved down to the end of the track.? The Plymouth was left 10ft out from E7 over the pit. The boxcar was moved in next, and was left over the drop table to allow us to move around. The car can be moved forward towards the door with the tractor for cleaning and rebuilding.? The GE was also left over the pit on track 2 as it and the Plymouth will be undergoing some mechanical work over the winter.

We have made a video of some of the switching that was performed on December 12th. It can be found here:


The GE is in its new home for the winter


The new equipment line up on track 2.

This was a weekend of so many firsts for the Museum and everything went exactly as planned. Our equipment is inside, our newest addition, the GE 25tonner is a great addition, and will be very helpful around the shop. There is still much work to do throughout the off season. But we are making great progress at the Museum, and there is much to look forward to in 2016.? A big thanks to our dedicated volunteers who have worked so hard to make everything happen. The Museum?s wish list will be coming soon.? Check back often to see all the work happening over the next few months. We are always looking for new members, no experience necessary.

December 2, 2015

Our Locomotives Pose Together

I decided today to pull the Plymouth MDT40t outside to pose for a photo with our new GE 25 tonner.? There was a bit of work to do on the GE today, including getting the bell working again.? The bell wasn’t used at the plant and the line was broken.? After a simple 5 minute repair, the bell is back in operation. It is interesting to see the size difference in the 2 locomotives as well.? The Plymouth is wider, longer, lower and heavier at 40tons.? The GE, of course, is 25 tons and shorter than the MDT.? Either way, it’s great to have an operating locomotive, and we’re looking forward to the day when the Plymouth will be up and running as well.



The GE 25ton and Plymouth MDT40t outside.

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