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March 31, 2016

There’s been a lot of activity around the shop this week, and it’s continuing into Friday and Saturday. Wednesday Wayne G, Jim and Ken spent a few hours scraping down the north wall in the office, and giving it a base coat of white paint.? A second coat will be applied the next time we get a decent day weather wise. The east wall will also get scraped down in preparation for?a coat of white paint.? All this will improve the appearance of the display area, and help brighten up the new LED lighting.

wall scrape march 30

Wayne and Jim working the north wall.

whitewall_march 30

The first coat of white.

Thursday saw the crew from Easily Moved Equipment?back out at the shop doing some load testing with a brand new crane.? This one of a kind 10ton?Aluminium gantry crane is?testing on our 25ton GE diesel. This is the second time out for EME as they work out some of the unique challenges with this new product. We thank EME for coming out and involving us in this very unique opportunity and welcome them back anytime.

locolift setup mar31

Setting up the gantry.

locolift setup2 mar31

Blocking the back end.


locolift2 mar31

The gantry over the front of the engine for the lift.

locolift mar31

close up shot of the crane and diesel.




The Niagara Railway Museum has many different opportunities for the community, and industry.? We have a facility that can be used for film and video shoots, and some special events. For industry, our equipment can be available for non destructive testing of industrial equipment, such as the crane from EME. If you would like more information on some of the opportunities we have, please contact the Museum.



March 29, 2016

A Busy End to March

The work just never ends at the Museum. We will have a crew out there working Wednesday, Thursday morning, and Saturday, with the potential for Friday as well.?Work scheduled for this week is the scraping and painting of the north and east walls in the office display area.? This will help freshen up the room, and make it even brighter with the new LED lights. Other work going into the weekend will be to get working on the new display/store boxcar as it needs to be ready by the May open weekend. Over the summer we will be doing more track work as well, fixing up some rough spots, and lifting the track in a few low spots.

The Museum is also looking for a few items in addition to those listed at the beginning of the year.? We need some ABC fire extinguishers, 100lb track material (rail, turnout parts, bars/bolts/plates), switch ties. Also still looking for a caboose, or baggage car/coach, and any local railway artifacts or photographs.


Some of our new store items.


Looking across the drop table at the Plymouth last Saturday.

We have some new items for sale in the store.? There are 4 hard plastic signs for the NYC, GT, TH&B and Ontario Northland. These are selling for $8. There is also a new Great Northern pin, white goat on the blue background, and that is in line with our other pins at $4. Also thought we would try pink engineers hats which are available for $12. And finally, 2 DVDs, CN 6060 is $24 and A Last Look At Steam is $20.

The Niagara Railway Museum is always looking for new members/volunteers to help out with the many projects we have on the go.? No experience is necessary, we will do all the training needed at the shop.? Please contact us for more information.


March 26, 2016

Another great Saturday

It was almost an 8hr day out at the shop today, as 6 members spent the time switching equipment around, getting it in place for the coming season, and to get some work done as well.? The movements started just after 10am and wrapped up around 3pm, but by the end of the day, everything was repositioned where it needed to be. At the end of 2015 we were able to move equipment between 2 of the 3 shop tracks. It was functional, but does need some work. This was an even bigger test of the track as the electric weighs in at about 50tons, and there were multiple back and forth movements involved.


First move, shove the boxcar to the end of the tail track.


Jim, Wayne, Garry and Aaron remove the bars to switch the track.

The number 8?turnout is a bit odd in construction. In order to get done what needed to be done, it was constructed with 100lb rail and?interlaced 8ft ties. There are no points, as it’s a different form of a stub switch.? The tail track is barred/bolted to the route to be used. When the other track is needed, the bars?are removed, the track moved over and the?bars reapplied.? Yes, it is a very time consuming job, but it is functional.? In 2016 it will?have 16’6″ points added to?make things easier.


CN working the main line.


CN 2246 a 2006 built GE, passes our 1948 GE.

It was a pretty busy day for train traffic as well.? First up was a CN which came into Fort Erie, set out in the yard, then took it’s 3 6axle units and 6 boxcars of shingles over to the lumber transload off Gilmore Rd. It was an interesting comparison of a modern, 2006 built GE, with our 1948 built GE. After that came a CP heading to the US with another GE, followed by a westbound CP ethanol train lead by yet another GE. Final train was the NS transfer.



Westbound CP with 2002 built GE 9717.


Westbound CP with CP 2001 built GE 8605 and CEFX 2004 built GE 1055.


The NS transfer lead by GM 3311 (with a CP GE in the consist).

It was neat to see all the trains that went through this day had GE power in the consist. This was also the first time that Hydro Electric Power Commission E-7 (Ex-Inco 102) was outside since it was moved into the shop some 5yrs ago. E-7 posed for some pics with the GE and Plymouth.


HEPC E-7 in the sun.


The GE, Electric and Plymouth outside together for the first time.


The train before shoving back into the shop.






The weather was fantastic for doing all this work, and it sets us up right where we need to be for this display season. The GE performed very well and handled the job with ease.? There is still some minor work to do on the GE, and that will continue over the summer.

This week we also received a few more items from Fred Mills, the donor of the live steam Pacific. We were able to get copies of a few of his personal pictures, such as the Niagara Falls Car Department from 1942 to 1986 (when Fred retired), along with the picture of the retirees in 1986.? Fred also very generously donated a clock he received when he retired.? We look forward to having all these items on display at the shop this year. Fred is a 3rd generation railroader,? his Grandfather Frederick Mills?worked on the GTR as a Baggageman in Niagara?Falls, his father, Wilfred Mills worked for the New York Central as a Yard Clerk, and?Fred himself spent 40yrs with the CN as a Carman at Niagara Falls.


Niagara Falls CN Car Department group shot from 1942 to 1986.


The early retirees in 1986. Fred is 3rd from the right.


One of Fred’s retirement gifts.


Fred with CN 6060 at Niagara Falls.

A big thanks to our members who came out to help get this very important work done, Jim, Wayne G., Garry, Aaron, Ken and Ken. The Museum is a very complex plan, and every bit of help we are able to get is of great benefit to us.? We are always looking for new members who want to get involved with the many projects we have on the go. And remember, the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. is a Charitable Organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.? We are able to offer Charitable tax receipts for donations received. Come out and see us in 2016, lots going on and lots more to come.


March 23, 2016

A successful test!

The Museums recently donated live steam Pacific was successfully tested on air today at the shop.? A small air compressor was used to run the engine back and forth for about 5 or so feet.? The engine performed well, and the next step will be to have a more thorough test done by a local live steam group.


New LED lighting.


The LED lighting is much brighter.

Garry E. and Ken continued to work on the electrical upgrades in the display area, and as of today, all but 1 fluorescent fixture has been removed and replaced by very efficient LED flood lights.? The new LED lights draw less than 5 amps for the entire room! The new lights are “daylight” and are much brighter and safer (for the artifacts) than the flourescents. As time goes on, all lighting will be converted to LED, including the display cars.? Eventually, new lights will also be added to the shop area for safety during evening events.



New paint and an office door.

Wayne M scraped and painted the wall just as you enter the display area. The holes in the brick will soon be repaired as well. Wayne G has been installing doors on the storage room, and our small office.

Things are really starting to come together, and we hope to have even more visible changes for our visitors by the time the May open weekend rolls around.


March 20, 2016

Some new paint and a new donation

Saturday was a decent day weather wise at the shop, and Ken and Wayne M took advantage of that weather to get caught up on a few more small items. The new lighting in the office display area is


New paperwork on Harbour Draw and the International Bridge.

now about 80% complete, with just a couple more fixtures to be put in place.? The wire has already been run and is ready to go. Wayne M scraped and painted the one wall inside the door that needed to be done, which is?a great improvement as we continue to keep the display area clean and fresh.

The 3.5″ gauge live steam Pacific is now on display in a temporary location inside the office area. Once the equipment is moved around in the shop and put into the proper position, the engine will likely go on display inside the boxcar.

Our new 7/8″ scale live steam Pacific.

A new donation came into the shop on Saturday as well from Pierre D’Entramont, from his father Walter’s collection.? The majority of items have a focus on the International Bridge and Harbour Draw over in Buffalo, as that is where Walter worked. These are all items that are completely new to our collection and include many plans and drawings of the bridge, as well as the bridgetenders operating manual for Harbour Draw. We thank Pierre for passing these documents along to us, they will make some great additions when telling the story of the history of the bridge crossing.

There is still so much happening out at the shop. We’re?planning to get some equipment moved around before the end of the month which will put everything where it needs to be going into our open season. New feature displays are being planned for the new display car including some railway family history from some recent donors, as well as displaying some of our vast HO scale model railway collection, which is primarily centred around the railways that ran in the Niagara Region.

March 7, 2016

Niagara Model Railway Show

The 16th Annual Niagara Model Railway Show has come and gone.? It was one of our better shows at this location to date and we are very pleased with the end result.? The table count even grew during the show to where we were pretty much to the maximum we could fit in the space. We had? 4 museum/historical societies, 4 layouts (N, HO, 5/8″N2, G), and vendors selling model trains of all sizes, artifacts, photos and railroad art prints.


Superior Art Editions selling a range of railway prints.


Show attendees peruse what the vendors have to offer.








Nolan Currie brought a small Thomas The Tank Engine table and helped entertain the kids that came along.



The NRM’s display, complete with our new steam locomotive.










The Weekenders once again brought their N scale modular layout. They have been with us at every show since the start.


The Museum’s new 7/8″ scale Pacific live steam locomotive made its debut, and was very well received.


Jim Cherry his 5/8N2 narrow gauge layout in operation, and added to the layouts that were on display.


The Laxton’s brought their Vineland switching layout. This is a very hands on switching puzzle and was popular with all.

This is just the start of what will be an amazing season at the Museum. we extend a thanks to everyone who came out to the show, and to all of our over 40 vendors who came out to sell and display what they had to offer.? I also offer a big thanks to our dedicated volunteers who came out to help out at the show. It takes many people to put on a show, from set up, to the kitchen, to manning tables and dealing with vendors. Our group has always done a great job making sure things go smoothly, and this year was no exception.? Thanks to Ken, Ken, Aaron, Wayne M, Wayne G, Peter, Deanna, Charles, Jane, Melody, Jim, Audrey and Nolan. Thanks also to Susan and Jane for making some extras like cookies and butter tarts, and to Jane, Melody and Ken for our most popular item, our famous chili.

With the March show out of the way, we now look forward to the rest of the 2016 plans.? Don’t miss our opening weekend on May 14th & 15th.



In April we’ll be starting our spring cleaning to get everything into shape for the May opening weekend. We are still open Saturdays from mid-June to the end of September. There is a lot going on this year, be sure to set some time aside to pay us a visit.


March 5, 2016

The train show is here!!

It’s yet another very busy weekend for the Museum.? We picked our newest addition today, a 3 1/2″ gauge, 7/8″ scale 4-6-2 live steam pacific locomotive. Fred Mill, a local former CN Carman had need to downsize, and passed this great looking engine over to the NRM.? It will have its first display at the Niagara Model Railway Show on Sunday. The locomotive and tender weigh in at about 230lbs (empty).?It also comes with a custom built display stand and lift, and a custom built flat car. The locomotive will undergo a complete inspection before being test fired over the coming months.


NRM’s newly acquired live steam pacific locomotive.




Sunday March 6th is the 16th Annual Niagara Model Railway Show. This is going to be one of our biggest shows yet with new vendors and displays. Come out and support Railway Heritage in Niagara. Hope to see you there.
