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May 5, 2012

Canadian Council for Railway Heritage Spring Conference

The Niagara Railway Museum was part of the Canadian Council for Railway Heritage Spring Conference held at the Halton County Radial Railway near Rockwood Ontario.  The meeting was hosted by the Ontario Rail Foundation, and brought together various railway groups from across Ontario, as well as Manitoba and Saskatchewan.  The main purpose of this meeting was to introduce the CCRH to the eastern groups (CCRH has primarily been geared towards the Museums of Western Canada), and to hep create a unified front in the world of Railway Preservation.  We had lunch while we took a trip on open car #326 to the end of the line and back.  Lorna from Ontario Rail lined up some great sandwiches and wraps for the trip.  Dinner was a great BBQ, complete with a home made cake marking the event.  After dinner HCRY ran the cars for the guests, and gave a few of them a chance to take control of the car and run it down the line.


Attendees were treated to lunch on board open car #327 (left) and after the days events were done, given a walking tour (right) of Barn 4, the Adam Beck Centre, which has allowed HCRR to get almost the entire collection indoors.


The lineup of cars includes Small Witt TTC 2786, Rail Grinder W-28, and Montreal and Southern Counties #107. (left) Montreal & Southern Counties #107 still looks great, indoors in the new display building (right). 


London& Port Stanley interurban #8 and Canadian Pacific caboose 437123 wait for the next trip to the other end of the line (left).  Niagara railway Museum member John Weylie takes a look at Lake Erie & Northern line truck M-6 (right).


All in all, it was a great day, and a great opportunity to see what some of the other Railway Museums are dealing with.  Halton County Radial Railway were excellent hosts, and the tour was a hit with the guests.  Lorna and the Ontario Rail Foundation also did a great job setting up this meeting. Thanks to everyone for their hard work, and also to those who took the time out of busy schedules to attend the day.