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September 13, 2012

Fall Open House and shop happenings

The final open house of the year is now behind us.  Despite torrential rain, and high winds on Saturday, the Open House turned out fairly well in the end.  There were some different displays for this event, including a G & N scale layout, more pictures and artifacts, and as always, the ONR Technical & Historical Society. Sunday was a much better day weather wise, and that was reflected with the amount of visitors. The comments were positive, and the NRM was able to show the amount of progress made over the past 2 years. The Museum?s steam locomotive was also fitted with her headlight for the event.


HEPC 46  with her headlight

There are still lots of things going on at the shop.  It is hoped that the remaining NRM equipment will arrive within the next 2 months, starting with the ex-CNR Flanger frame, which will be evaluated for restoration. The ex-CP Rail boxcars will hopefully follow.  Work is also progressing on the Plymouth MDT40t diesel, with just the compressor awaiting rebuild.  The Museum is open most saturdays, 10am-2pm or by appointment by calling the number on our contact page.