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April 13, 2013

NRM Shop spring cleaning

Despite, cool and windy weather, a crew of 7 worked throughout Saturday, cleaning the scrap and garbage around the inside of the shop.  Much of the material was removed from the drop table pit. Along with our Ferguson tractor, we brought in a bobcat skidsteer as well to aid with removal of the junk/garbage, and to aid with the clean-up outside the shop.


Another new arrival is a former TH&B Fairmont CR7. The car needs a fair amount of work, and will remain a static display for the time being (left). Under normal circumstances, a Trackmobile would be the one doing the pulling or pushing.  However, since our Whiting 2TMA is currently being rebuilt for service, our Ferguson tractor had to do the work. This is the first time the Trackmobile has moved any distance on rail in many years. if all goes well, we hope to have this unit back in service in the spring (right). After the majority of the stuff had been removed form inside the shop, the crew moved outside and started the cleanup of garbage, and junk that had been left around or dumped.  We also used both machines to clear out some brush, and do a general clean up from around the shop.  The south side looks a lot better, and has also allowed us to increase parking alongside the building.


In order to facilitate the removal of debris, the Flanger had to be moved to the east end of the heavy repair bay.  This is where the car will stay for the next few months as it allows safe passage to the underside of the work platforms in this position (left). The shop is looking much better now that we can once again see the floor. Once it dries out, we can sweep up the dirt, and everything will be ready for the open house (right).

There is still a fair amount of work to be done at the Museum.  The interior walls need painting to cover over the years of graffiti, and we are planning to continue the long process of covering over the shop windows, to give us a more protected environment to work in. Restoration of the equipment will continue as well, with the current main project being the Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile. As well, weed control will son begin as we work to keep the brush and weeds cut down and keep the site neat. 

The Museum is always looking for volunteers to come out and help with our many ongoing projects.  if you would like to get involved, please feel free to contact us.  Our next work session will be on Saturday, April 26th, and will be a track work day. Our goal is to continue gauging and spiking our north track towards the turnout.

April 8, 2013

Spring cleaning weekend

With the nice weather approaching, it's time to get back at the restoration of equipment at the site. Work has already begun on the exterior cab of HEPC E-7, removing 7 layers of paint in order to return it back to it's original black paint.  There has also been progress on the Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile.  The engine was cleaned up, and tested, and turns over very well.  Next is to test it with propane, see how it fires.  Bearings are being sought for the gear case/transmission, and providing that search goes well, this very useful piece of equipment will be back up and running for service at the shop, and for demonstration to the public on how this versatile piece of equipment operates.

In other news, it's that time of year again.  That time of year where we plan our Spring cleaning weekend.  Scheduled for April 13th & 14th, the plan is to get the inside of the shop ready for our upcoming display season, clearing out the garbage and scrap which litters the shop floor after cleaning out the drop table pit in the fall of 2012.  The Museum is looking for help with this weekend, so if you'd like to come out and give us a hand, send us an email.  You will require safety glasses, steel toe boots/shoes, and gloves.  The clean up starts at 9am, and will go rain or shine.

And don't forget our first open house weekend on May 25th & 26th, 10am to 4pm.