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May 30, 2013

NRM June 1

There will be work going on at the Museum site on Saturday June 1st from 9am-1pm. Work scheduled includes the continued restoration on HEPC E-7, and the Whiting Trackmobile. Visitors are always welcome. 

May 27, 2013

May Open House

The first open house of 2013 at the Museum is over.  The weather was pretty decent, but the wind made it a tad chilly at the shop. This was the first open house with the ex-CNR Flanger and Trackmobile on site. Attendance was not as good as hoped, but those that came out where impressed with the amount of work that was done to save this structure and the equipment.


Everything is set up and ready for visitors.

Thanks to everyone who came out to see and support the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. as we work to create a great attraction for the Town of Fort Erie, and the Region. Also a big thanks to our dedicated volunteer members who put in their time to staff the shop for the 2 days.


Under development is our new display track inside the shop. This short section of track has been constructed to allow us to show how the various track

tools are used (left). HEPC 46 has been uncovered from her winter slumber, and looked great in the sun (right).

Our next open house weekend will be June 29/30 & July 1, 10-4 all 3 days.  We are working on some new items for the display, and should have some great new items to show off.

May 11, 2013

Weekend progress report

Not too much going on for this Mothers Day weekend, but a small crew did accomplish a few things.  In order to continue with repairs to our Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile, it had to be moved over the pit.  A 2hr job with jacks and blocking to get the road wheels down. The unit is not operating, so the hydraulic cylindars are disconnected from the rest of the unit.  The road wheels have to be moved manually. Once that was done, the tractor was used to pull it off the track.  Next step was to line it up for movement back to the track. But first, the Plymouth MDT40t diesel had to be moved forward, again, the tractor comes in very handy. Once the Plymouth was moved, the 2TMA was pushed into position behind the diesel, and process reversed to lift the road wheels and set it back onto the rails. Once back on rails, it was an easy push the 20ft to the pit, where it now resides in front of our steam engine #46. The last step was to move the Plymouth back 10ft to allow us to use the roll up door on that track.  Other work was just continued cleaning of the shop to get ready for the open house in 2 weeks.

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TheTrackmobile on its own wheels for the first time in many years.  The tires are in rough shape, but everything is holding air (Left). In its new position behind the Plymouth, being lowered onto the rails (centre). and on the track over the inspection pit in front of HEPC 46. Ready for the installation of the rebuilt gearbox (right).