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July 20, 2013

A rainy weekend

Well, despite some heavy rain Friday night into Saturday morning, we still managed to get some  things done at the Museum. It was raining on and off Saturday morning, but cleared up enough for the 2 man track crew to get some work done on the track.  Marcel and Ken extended the operable length of track another 45? or so, and we are now at the location where the #8 frog will be located. The next track session will be the big push to get as much of the turnout in as possible. The turnout is being constructed in a rather unorthodox way, using only 8ft ties. It?s not perfect, but will allow us to connect the 2 tracks for the time being.


The brackets from the beam scale that were damaged when it was moved to the shop have been repaired and will work just fine for display.  We have started cleaning the old flaking paint off of them and they will be repainted black for display. (left) The plan is to have the beam scale restored and ready for display by the September open weekend.  Rick spent the morning work on the Trackmobile, and I?m quite pleased to say that he was able to get it wired up from the key switch.  the motor and everything seems to be turning and working just fine. The propane tank and line still need to be hooked up, and we are waiting for the final bearing for the Transmission to arrive. Work it progressing very well.  it will be great to see this unit, which came to us damaged and in pieces, up and running at the Museum. Also inside the shop Ken Sr. worked on cleaning and organizing some of the material we use for track work, and such.


Still lots of projects on the go out at the shop.  Paint removal from E-7 is continuing, and will be a bit easier and faster with the larger angle grinder, which now has an 8? wire wheel.  Some other work was also planned out, mostly dealing with visitor and member safety. Those items will be brought in as we continue to improve and clean the shop.


All in all it was a very productive weekend, and i thank the 4 members that came out for it. Progress is ongoing, and I think by the time September rolls around, there will be a lot of significant changes at the shop. Come on out and join us. Not sure what day we?ll be there? email us to find out.