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September 23, 2013

A late update

I know this is a bit late, but work and life sometimes gets in the way.? Anyways, it?s been a very busy couple of weeks.? We had a very successful open house on September 7? & 8, 2013. With all the recent press from Niagara This Week and Cogeco, attendance was excellent. New and repeat visitors were impressed with our facility and the progress we?ve made. The Fort Erie LaFrance Firefighting Museum paid us a very short visit on Saturday. Unfortunately just after they arrived with their 1947 LaFrance Imperial Pumper truck, it started to rain.? Because their equipment is restored to perfect condition, they had to get the truck back to their Museum and out of the weather. However we look forward to working with them and having them at our site next year. We also gained some great donations, including 60+ photos of CN at Niagara Falls, including the visit of the famous Flying Scotsman. Steve Konig donated an HO model of Bridge 17 at Dain City built by the late Wilf Pierson . This model joins the G scale Flanger and Spreader also built by Wilf. The Ontario Northland Historical Society also joined us for the open house with their HO layout and artifact display. Despite the rain on Saturday afternoon, it was still a great turnout, and Sunday was even better.? A big thanks to everyone who came out to support the Museum and Railway history in Niagara.


The Fort Erie LaFrance Firefighting Museum?s 1947 LaFrance Imperial Pumper on display before the rain came in.


The Fairmont M19 on it?s first trip to the new end of track, which was extended by 50ft in August.


Condensed HO Scale model of Welland Canal Bridge #17 at Dain City.


NRM’s HO scale model of the Niagara Falls Station on Bridge St. Constructed by Brian Vasselsue.

Other work that has been progressing has been the windows, and the Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile.? The transmission is in the pit and ready to be placed into the Trackmobile in the next 2 weeks. We hope to have the machine back in service in the next month. We also picked up a switch stand and a used Racine rail drill, which will be very useful in our continued track construction.? We have also been offered about 30 sticks of 80/85 & 100lb rail, which we are currently looking into moving to the Museum site.


Racine Model A rail drill.


CPR style switch stand.

Lots of things happening at the Museum.? We thank everyone for a great 2013, and look forward to seeing you at the Niagara Model Railway Show on October 27th, 2013 at the CAW Hall in St. Catharines. Our next full open house will be in May 2014. However, visitors are always welcome if someone is at the shop on Saturday.? If you?d like to visit the Museum, please contact us to arrange for a tour.

September 3, 2013

Check in

With the open house just a few days away, work is progressing well and everything will be in good shape for our visitors.  On another note, the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. is also in Facebook. You can get instant information when work is happening at the shop. The NRM blog will still be kept up to date as well, as both are very important tools in the Internet world. When you visit the museum, don't forget to "Check In" with Facebook on your smartphone. 


Hope to see you there. 

September 2, 2013

Open house less than a week away.

Our final open house is only a few days away. There’s been a significant change in the appearance of the shop.? A lot of the graffiti is gone, and the windows are starting to get covered. The grass has been cut, and the shop prepared for visitors.? The only thing remaining, the visitors.? Come out and see all the work that has been done since July.? Our members have been working hard to improve our guest experience. Come out and support the great railway heritage that Niagara has, and see what we have in store for 2014.