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October 25, 2013

Niagara Model Railway Show Sunday

The Fall Niagara Model Railway Show is this Sunday, October 27, 10am – 3:30pm At the CAW Hall at 124 Bunting Rd. St. Catharines. Model railway vendors selling trains of all sizes, railway artifacts, books, etc. something for everyone. Also model trains layouts and Thomas the Tank Engine play area

Admission is $5 (under 12 free with paid admission).

contact the Niagara Railway Museum for more info.

October 13, 2013

Another progressive Saturday

If all goes well, our Whiting 2 TMA Trackmobile should be up and running next weekend.? Rick finished installing the rest of the drive chains and gears, and we have been given an old (but in date) propane tank from Attar Metals.? Antifreeze and hydraulic fluid has been added to the engine and fluid tank with no visible leaks. A new battery will be installed next Saturday, and if all goes well, the first test of the Trackmobile in a great many years will take place.? Also taking place on the weekend, we moved another 24 ties to the site, and hope to finish moving the remaining ties?on Saturday. this will bring our track construction at least into the turnout.? We have more than enough rail to finish off the middle track as well as a tail track past the turnout, we?just need more ties to finish off that part of the construction. Saturday will also be a track construction day as we install the #8 self guarded frog and stock rails.

October 10, 2013

Rail donation

Recently the NRM was given an opportunity to acquire 32 sticks (29?/stick) of 85lb rail.? This was a ?come and get it now? deal, as the group offering it needed to clean it up. So, a hunt for someone to move it for us at a reasonable price was now on.? We checked with Railroad contractors, but they were slightly out of our budget range. There was however an offer made to us that we could not refuse.? Wayne Ettinger from Trillium Railway offered to move the rail to our site, as long as we provided 2 people to help load/unload the rail. So 2 weeks after first seeing the rail pile, the arrangements were made and away we went.? The loading went well, taking just about 2hrs. The unloading at the Museum site was even better, at 1.5hrs.? The rail is stacked neatly so we can neatly drag it into position when we are ready. Despite it being only 85lb rail, it is still in very good condition, at least for what we have planned for it. This acquisition is almost 900? of rail, allowing us over 400? of track. This will allow us to connect the middle track to the turnout for the south shop track, and give us a tail track past the turnout to move equipment from track to track. This move would not have been possible without the generous assistance from Wayne Ettinger, owner of Trillium Railway Co. Ltd.? The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. thanks Wayne for his help with this project on such short notice, and another thanks for items previously donated, including our ex-CNR flanger frame.


Loading the rail.


Back in Fort Erie, Wayne Ettinger (left) mans the controls while NRM Secretary Aaron White sets the rail clamps on the next piece of rail.

The 32 sticks of rail stacked neatly awaiting installation.

The 32 sticks of rail stacked neatly awaiting installation.

Rick, Ken and Ken got the recently rebuilt transmission back in place on the Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile bringing it one step closer to operation.

Rick, Ken and Ken got the recently rebuilt transmission back in place on the Whiting 2TMA Trackmobile bringing it one step closer to operation.

Things are progressing well at the shop, and we are always looking for new members to help with our many projects. Members are generally at the shop on Saturday mornings, and sometimes during the week.? Contact us if you?d like to see our facility or come out and get involved.

Don?t forget the Annual Niagara Model Railway Show on October 27th, at the CAW Hall on Bunting Rd in St. Catharines, 10am-3:30pm.? The Show features Model Railway vendors, layouts, artifacts and model supplies.? Something for everyone. Admission is $5.