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March 22, 2014

Progressive Work Day

Saturday turned out to be a pretty positive day at the shop. We had 2 groups through looking at the facility for future projects, and made progress on one of our out of service generators and the HO layout. Clean up inside the shop has been started as well, since our first open house will be here before we know it, the second weekend of May.


Our small HO layout, damaged by vandals 2yrs ago, has been receiving some much needed attention.

There?s a lot going on at the shop this year already. We are gearing up for a small film shoot at the end of April, as well as the movement/arrival of our 3 ex-CP Rail boxcars.? There is also another piece of equipment coming, but that announcement will be made in the coming month or 2.

We are also working on new displays for 2014, including a feature on the CN Steam excursion program from the 1960?s to 1980.


The first train to operate on the layout was this Athearn Genesis CP MP15 with sound, which was part of the recently acquired collection from our late member Garry Rigby. It was fitting to have one of his engines operating first, he would have been happy to see it out there.

This display will have some original artifacts from the trips, pictures, models, and reports of where the trains ran in what months.? We plan to have this display ready to go by May, and is just one of the new things happening this year.

So come on out to the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. this year and see what we are doing, what we have planned for the future, and what you can do to help.

March 3, 2014

Niagara Model Railway Show

The 14th Annual March NMRS is over for another year, and despite a snowstorm overnight, it was still a decent show. The weather did hamper things a bit, and 3 vendors didn’t make it in, but the hall was still full and the vendors reported a good show.

Thanks to all who came out to support the Niagara Railway Museum Inc., there were a lot of very positive comments from visitors.

Ticket sales for the CN Grimsby station print really took off during the day, and turned out to be a great fundraiser for the Museum. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets, but of course there can only be one winner. The Niagara Railway Museum Inc. congratulates John Weylie of Ancaster as the winner of the draw for the print. We will be having a draw for another of the same print at our October show.

We can now turn our attention to the Museum Open House weekends starting in May. Come and see new displays, visiting attractions, and a part of Niagara’s Railway Heritage.