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April 28, 2014

Weekend work report

photo-1.jpgWith only 2 weeks to go to our first open house of 2014, NRM members were out to do some work in the office area.? Of course all this work had to be done around the crew from Dead Plumber Pictures who were out for the first of 2 weekends shooting footage for their next short film.? Despite rain, sun, rain, wind, sun, etc. on Saturday, they managed to push photo.jpgthrough for almost 12hrs outside around the property. Sunday they finished up outside before moving inside for the start of the interior footage. They will finish up their filming on May 3/4, and we will then move in and finish cleaning and getting things ready at the shop. They have been great to have at the shop, and we look forward to seeing the final results of all this work.

photo-4.jpg? Had to make up a few new signs to label some of the larger items on display. The 2 parlour car chairs (the sign will be changed), are 1930?s vintage, and a bit tattered, but still in decent enough shape, and very comfortable. Doug Wilson contributed the interior shot (CN Photo, Collection of D.N. Wilson)? of one of the CNR parlour cars with the same style chairs. The seats were at risk of being thrown out, so we took them on a whim, and we?re glad they are now part of our collection.? My thanks to Doug for his ongoing contributions to the MuseuCN-Parlour-Car-Interior-C1930.jpgm.? Work inside the shop was ongoing, and included a lot of smaller projects that needed to get done.? The display stand for the HO Niagara Falls Station model, which is a key component to the CN Steam Excursion display, was finished.? The model now needs to be finished off, and it will be ready to go. Ken Jones (below left) did some painting in the office to clean it up a bit, and more will be done as time permits.? We also added a few new lights to fill in the dark spots.? These will be replaced with new, permanent lighting after the open house, which will be more energy efficient, and safer for the artefacts. Some of the old communication wire hanging in the ceiling was taken down, and Aaron White (below right) removed the old breaker panels from the wall.? We have a new breaker panel which will be installed in the office area as we move forward with the new

The switch stand (below left) that we received from the Komoka Railway Museum last year was mounted on blocks and painted, and had a new sign added. We still have to straighten the mast, and once that?s repaired a switch lamp will be added. Since we won?t be using our Racine rail drill until we get back into the track work, it is also on display. With the arrival of better weather, it was time for our Canadian Flag to fly over the shop once again. Other work included finishing the second track on our small HO display layout.? Scenery still needs to be repaired, but it will at least allow us to operate trains for the open house. Clayton from Attar Metals also brought down their skid steer and laid out some rail onto the ties for our track construction. The NRM thanks Attar for their continued support and assistance to the Museum.

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The Niagara Railway Museum open house is on Saturday May 10th & Sunday May 11th, 2014, 10am to 4pm both days.? The event runs rain or shine, and admission is by cash donation.? Come on out and see the changes we?ve made, the new displays we have created, and learn about the railway history of photo-2.jpg

April 5, 2014

Big news coming soon

As we are down to just a month before our first open house of 2014, we are already making some BIG plans for the year.

Some of the exciting things happening so far include:

-??A private film shoot over 4 days at the shop. It’s great to have the exposure of outside media to further the Museum efforts.

– A display on the Canadian National steam excursions from 1960-1980 featuring photographs and artifacts of the trips done with 6167, 6218 and 6060. That display will be in the shop for all of 2014, not just for the open houses, and may end up?being a permanent display.

– Our 3 ex-CP Rail boxcars will be moved to the site soon, as final preparations are being made for their transport.

There are a few other items in the works, and they will be announced as the details are finalised.? Stay tuned to the NRM Blog, or find us on Facebook for the latest details on what is already shaping up to be a fantastic year for the Niagara Railway Museum Inc.