There’s been quite a bit happening, as usual, with the start of phase 2 of the environmental work in the office area started and progressing. This work includes the professional removal of the old peeling paint on the walls and ceiling. The side room is done and the rest of the office should be done at the end of April. We hope to have this area open for our visitors in some capacity by the middle of the season.
The GE 25tonner has been receiving quite a bit of work with Rob doing a lot of body work, fixing dents and covering up some openings and cut outs in the body. Allan has been assisting with that work, along with doing some work in the future work shop downstairs.

The air cleaner on the GE was removed and will be replaced with a smaller unit. Rob has still been working on the windows, waiting for new window rubber to arrive. All of the dents have been removed from the cab, the rear step straightened and repaired, and the cab grab irons straightened. Rob managed to get the door locks working as well. The GE will definitely look a lot different in 2024, and the work being performed will keep it operating for years to come. The new window rubber will also be used on the number boards on CN 9173, which is also moving forward to a new paint job.

Part of having the office area open for display again, will be allowing people to see the items from the former Niagara Central Hobbies (the Hobby Shop) in St. Catharines. This includes the HO train layout and trolley coffee bar. On April 13th, the layout was uncovered and had a train operating on the lower loop for the first time in about 5yrs.