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December 29, 2012

Last work day of 2012


Rick and Ken ventured out to the shop through the snow and cold to work on a few projects. Rick has been working on our large generator, as a replacement motor was located and installed.  The only thing remaining is a tune up on the motor, and it will be ready to go.  A new door motor has also been acquired, which we plan to install on the roll up door of the south track, which is the door we use during the open houses.

One of the other projects has been to get the privately owned ex-CP Rail Woodings CBI motorcar back in service. The Museum currently has no cars in service, as our ex-CN Fairmont M19 suffered a failure of some sort in September. Anyways, after some battery work, we finally managed to get the car started, and it moved under its own power for the first time in 4 years.  It was only a short stretch of operation, but it?s good to see the car operating again.  We also managed to get the dwarf signal working, and the Woodings is seen beside the red light of the signal.




NRM?s ex-CP Rail Woodings CBI idles beside the lit dwarf signal.(left)  And the Flanger awaits a call to duty to clear the snow out of the shop. (right)

Because the shop was so vandalized over the years, it is difficult to keep the weather out.  The ex-CN Flanger sits in the heavy repair bay under a few inches of snow. At this rate, the NRM could be the first Railway Museum to use equipment like this to plow out the inside of the shop!


And on a final note, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated members and volunteers who come out to the shop during work sessions and open houses, and help staff our 2 annual Model Railway Shows and other off site displays during the year.  We are always looking for new members to help with the many ongoing projects at the shop.  On behalf of the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. I wish everyone a very Happy New Year, and look forward to greater things in 2013.