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May 27, 2010

NRM Home

The past 2 months have been very busy for Niagara Railway Museum members, as we work to get our new home cleaned up to make the area safe for us to work in.? A presentation to Town Council on May 25th, officially put the NRM out in the open.? Our site IS NOT open to the public at this time, but as clean up and safety improvements progress, we plan to hold?an open house in July to show off the site, and some of our equipment.


The Niagara Railway Museum will be located in the former Canadian National diesel shop in Fort Erie, Ontario.? This great facility will allow us to display and interpret our equipment in an actual railway shop building.? There is much work to do at the site, including windows, hydro, and a complete rebuild of the former office area, to make it climatically controlled for artifacts, and rebuilding the washroom for use, as it was completely destroyed by vandals.? Our first locomotive, Hydro Electric Power Commission 0-4-0ST #46 is scheduled to arrive on June 1st, and will mark a major milestone for the Museum.? Our Plymouth diesel is expected to follow on June 2nd.? I thank all of our members who have stood by the Museum all these years as we work towards this goal.? We hope to be a pivitol part of tourism in Fort Erie, and will strive to create an attraction that will promote the railway heritage of the Niagara Region.


If you would like to become involved with one of our work parties, or would like to donate to the NRM, please contact us by following the information link in the “Contact” section.