Despite yet another wave of vandalism sometime? between 4pm Saturday & 7pm Sunday, which saw 2 more windows smashed, and other previously smashed windows destroyed even further, we will not let these criminals derail our plans!!? Our open house will continue as planned on July 1 to 4, and we will press forward developing our great attraction.? After almost 2 yrs, we finally moved our display cases out of storage in Thorold, to a new storage location near the NRM site.? They were kept off the site for now because of the recent vandalism.? We also moved some of our artifacts, including a hand operated track drill, dwarf signal, semaphore, and other smaller items.? Thanks to Guy, John, Mark & Ron for helping to move the cases to thier new location.? Our next work session is scheduled for this Wednesday, likely around 930am.? Work planned for hte day includes continued track construction, as well as some cleaning/clearing inside the shop to prepare for the July open house.