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April 5, 2014

Big news coming soon

As we are down to just a month before our first open house of 2014, we are already making some BIG plans for the year.

Some of the exciting things happening so far include:

-??A private film shoot over 4 days at the shop. It’s great to have the exposure of outside media to further the Museum efforts.

– A display on the Canadian National steam excursions from 1960-1980 featuring photographs and artifacts of the trips done with 6167, 6218 and 6060. That display will be in the shop for all of 2014, not just for the open houses, and may end up?being a permanent display.

– Our 3 ex-CP Rail boxcars will be moved to the site soon, as final preparations are being made for their transport.

There are a few other items in the works, and they will be announced as the details are finalised.? Stay tuned to the NRM Blog, or find us on Facebook for the latest details on what is already shaping up to be a fantastic year for the Niagara Railway Museum Inc.