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May 22, 2011

NRM May Open House

The Niagara Railway Museum had its first open house of 2011 on May 14th/15th.? Despite a lot of work being done during the week by members to get the facility cleaned up and ready to go, it was a very poor turnout for the event.? Saturday saw rain on and off for the day, although we did have some visitors through.? Sunday was even worse as it rained the entire day.? Saturday morning saw one of the workers from our new neighbour, Attar Metals, who recently took over the former car shops at the west end of the property.? We were trying to find a way to pull the Plymouth diesel forward to allow visitors access to the cab.? Milton from Attar Metals?offered to bring down their brand new Volvo front end loader to pull it forward for us.

Attar Metals Volvo makes easy work moving the Plymouth

Those that did brave the weather to visit us were impressed with the progress, and could see the benefit to having this building as our home.? The Plymouth was even fired up periodically throughout both days to show the work that has been done to get it running.? The Ontario Northland Historical Society & Southern Niagara Model Railroad Club also came out for the weekend with their HO Layout and displays, and Dean Brown was selling his railway DVDs as well.

My thanks go to everyone who helped prepare the shop for the weekend, and who came out to help work the event on both days.? Despite poor weather, we still put on a great display.? Our next open house at the shop will be July 2, 3,4, 2011.? We’re working on new displays for that weekend, so keep checking back on this blog for the latest info.