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June 11, 2012

46 gets a new coat!!

With restoration slowly progressing on both Hydro Electric Power Commission electric E-7, and our Plymouth diesel, I felt it was time that HEPC 46 got some much needed attention.? In an earlier post I showed a photo of 46 with the majority of the water tank painted. This weekend saw the completion of that part of the project, and I must say she?s looking very nice.? It wasn?t until I had the first coat of white on the grab irons that I discovered in the one photo we have found of her, she didn?t actually have white grab irons.? However, because they look so nice, I figured they can stay that way for now.? She is currently unlettered and unnumbered. Hope to at least have 46 back on the cab by the July open house, just a few weeks away.


in the left photo, 46 still has some of the masking on the front grab irons on SaturdayJune 9, 2012. On Sunday June 10, the compressor paint has been finished, as has the rest of the white.? Even part of the cab received a new coat of paint, despite the deterioration.

It?s good to see 46 looking quite a bit better. The running boards will be replaced next, and the steam dome will be back in place before the open house. She will look like quite a different engine. It?s only flat black, but it?s a lot better than the faded black and rust colour she previously had.
