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June 29, 2010

NRM Tuesday work session

Brush cutting cleaning up the look of the site.

In our never ending attempt to clean up not just the shop area, but the site itself, we sent most of today cutting brush and weeds from the area.? the weedeater with steel reinforced knife blades is great for getting around things.? However, when it came right down to it, a brush cutter is required for the big stuff.? Since the crimials who broke into the shop destroyed our other brush cutter, we have now had to spend money that could have be used for equipment restoration, on renting a brush cutter.? This walk behind unit did a great job and really cleaned things up.? Half of the former turntable area has been cut as of today, and will continue tomorrow.? We will also continue cutting around the perimeter of the shop, clearing out the hard to see area.?

With the open house this weekend, we are trying to make the site presentable, despite some old junk trailers and such still sitting around.? So come out this weekend 10am-4pm July 1, 2, 3, 4 and see the new Niagara Railway Museum at 21 Warren St in Fort Erie.