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April 14, 2012

A little more progress made, and spring cleaning weekend!!

It's rather busy around the NRM shop this weekend.  Saturday saw the Jones's out and about, working on various projects.  First was our new permanent display board, which will live in the lower part of the shop floor.  The 4ft square display will feature photos and information about the shop, and the various railways around the Region.  The board is expected to be finished by the May open House.

In other news, with the first Open House of 2012 at the end of May, we have set the weekend of May 12 & 13 as spring cleaning weekend.  A skidsteer will be brought in, and any scrap, and non NRM items inside the shop, will be moved outside and taken off site.  The old machine shop equipment in the office area will soon be removed, which will allow us to focus on the rebuilding of the office portion of the shop.  Of course, there is still a lot of work to go before everything is done, but it's a good start.  There is a long list of things to do out at the shop, including scraping and painting, some building of displays, sorting of material, grass & site clean up, and just general maintenance.  Anyone who is interested in helping out, either through the week, or on a weekend, can contact the NRM and set up a time.