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October 13, 2013

Another progressive Saturday

If all goes well, our Whiting 2 TMA Trackmobile should be up and running next weekend.? Rick finished installing the rest of the drive chains and gears, and we have been given an old (but in date) propane tank from Attar Metals.? Antifreeze and hydraulic fluid has been added to the engine and fluid tank with no visible leaks. A new battery will be installed next Saturday, and if all goes well, the first test of the Trackmobile in a great many years will take place.? Also taking place on the weekend, we moved another 24 ties to the site, and hope to finish moving the remaining ties?on Saturday. this will bring our track construction at least into the turnout.? We have more than enough rail to finish off the middle track as well as a tail track past the turnout, we?just need more ties to finish off that part of the construction. Saturday will also be a track construction day as we install the #8 self guarded frog and stock rails.