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November 16, 2013

Some small restoration projects and big news!

Ken, Ken and Jim were out at the Museum today working on some planning items, and ended up looking after a couple of small, simple restoration projects.? First off was to plan where equipment will be going, and how it will all fit inside the shop when it arrives.? For years there were 2 signs in the shop that were painted over in plain sight.


Jim Cherry uses some varsol to remove what we believe was tar covering the lettering on the sign.


The finished product, visible for the first time in years.

The above sign hung directly below the main shop clock, located above the Shop Foreman office, hence the saying. We have recently acquired an original CN clock, which once repaired, will be placed above the sign replicating the original arrangement.

This is one of the signs on the Whiting 90ton drop table which has been damaged by graffiti.


After some elbow grease, it’s looking like it did when it was new.

These were both small projects, but are part of the advances made by Museum members this year.

In other news, we have received word that our boxcars will be moving from Niagara Falls very soon. We are hoping to have the cars at the Museum site by the end of the year.? They will make the final part of their journey by road.? This will not be an easy or cheap move and the Niagara Railway Museum Inc. is currently seeking donations to help defray the costs of the move to the shop.? If you would like to help, please contact the Museum.? All donations are eligible for a charitable tax reciept, and donors will recieve a plaque on our donor wall inside the display boxcar .