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February 26, 2016

Progress is slowly being made on the new display area lighting. The new LED floods make a world of difference.? They are so much brighter and safer for the artifacts. Just a couple more fixtures to go and it will be finished.? The plan was to be finished by the time the May open house rolled around, and right now we are quite a bit ahead of schedule. Worked on the Hobby Shop layout a bit, mostly just a bit of track cleaning to run a train around.


CP 4-6-2 2468 hauls a short train past the campground.

Work will continue on Saturday, and Wednesday next week.? As a reminder, the Niagara Model Railway Show is now just a week away on Sunday March 6th, 10am to 330pm. The show is held at the Merriton Community Centre at 9 Park St. in St. Catharines.? The flyer is available on our events page.


The Museum is still looking for some items for display. We are lacking a caboose, wood or steel, any road at the moment. Any leads on one that might be available for donation would be very much appreciated. We’re also always looking for building materials (lumber, insulation, etc), and of course tools. Donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

2016 is going to be a great year, so make sure you make time to come out and see what’s new and improved.