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August 3, 2013

More progress, moving forward.


The front door with a coat of CN #15 blue stands out against the brick.

Saturday was a great day at the shop, despite only 2 people being at the shop.? A fair amount of painting was done, including the front entrance door, which got a fresh coat of CN #15 blue with white trim.? Some of the handrails received a coat of yellow paint.? The old Spadina Motive Power tractor, which has been in the shop for well over 20yrs, received some attention having the hood scraped down and a coat of grey primer applied. A coat of orange will be applied as we start a simple cosmetic restoration to improve it?s appearance as a display item.? Ken Sr. also continued with the cleaning of the drop table pit.? Most of the plastic fittings that were thrown in there over the years have been removed, and now it just comes to cleaning out the leftover debris and dirt.? This has been an ongoing project, but it?s going well, and will be a big improvement come the September Open House.


The Shop tractor with a coat of primer on the hood.


Ken sweeps up some of the debris and junk in the pit.

The scale beam from the CN Fort Erie scale has been scraped down, cleaned, and reassembled in the office of the shop. The broken parts were repaired and cleaned as well before installation. An HO scale model will be built to show what the scale looked like when in service in the yard. There are many other projects in the works, and we are very grateful to CN for donating the beam scale to us, and for Attar Metals for removing and delivering it to the shopscalesm.jpg.

Work is always ongoing at the NRM shop, and new members are always welcome to come out and see what we?re all about.? You don?t need any skills to take part, as there are lots of projects that can be done by any skill level. Just contact us for more information.