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August 5, 2013

And the work goes on…


Ken is 3/4 down one section of the north wall. The paint is a great improvement over the graffiti.

Taking advantage of the extra work day this long weekend, 2 members were at the Museum today working away for over 4hrs. More was accomplished today, and there is still more to come.? The Spadina shop tractor got its first coat of orange paint.? It?s not an exact match to CN, but it?s very close, and will do fine for what we need it for. The tractor should have it?s cosmetic restoration done by the September open house. Ken Sr. started painting part of the north wall with a special concrete paint.? Just the one section took a gallon of paint, and at almost $50/gallon, we are going to look at other options as well. With just the one part done, it has made an incredible difference.?? A project that has been ongoing for a couple of months was the cosmetic restoration of the stove from the Michigan Central, Victoria Park Station at the top of Clifton Hill. The stove was reassembled in the office area and given a final coat of paint.


The MCRR Victoria Park Station stove is reassembled, and repainted in the office area for display.


The Spadina MP tractor starts to get a fresh coat of orange.

Great things are happening at the Museum, and there is a lot more to come. If you would like to get involved, send us an email.